The Fastest Way to Fall
By Denise Williams
Rating: 5/5 Genre: Contemporary Romance Steam: Explicit! Publisher: Berkley Pub Date: November 2, 2021 Available: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | BookShop
The Fastest Way to Fall Synopsis (from GoodReads):
Britta Colby works for a lifestyle website, and when tasked to write about her experience with a hot new body-positive fitness app that includes personal coaching, she knows it’s a major opportunity to prove she should write for the site full-time.
As CEO of the FitMe app, Wes Lawson finally has the financial security he grew up without, but despite his success, his floundering love life and complicated family situation leaves him feeling isolated and unfulfilled. He decides to get back to what he loves—coaching. Britta’s his first new client and they click immediately.
As weeks pass, she’s surprised at how much she enjoys experimenting with her exercise routine. He’s surprised at how much he looks forward to talking to her every day. They convince themselves their attraction is harmless, but when they start working out in person, Wes and Britta find it increasingly challenging to deny their chemistry and maintain a professional distance.
Wes isn’t supposed to be training clients, much less meeting with them, and Britta’s credibility will be sunk if the lifestyle site finds out she’s practically dating the fitness coach she’s reviewing. Walking away from each other is the smartest thing to do, but running side by side feels like the start of something big.
The Fastest Way to Fall Review:
Excuse me, Denise Williams how dare you make me love a book so much and cry because I felt so seen and understood. It was like the warmest hug I’ve ever received.
This book is glorious. A piece of work gifted to us by angels (or Denise Williams, take your pick). It is heartwarming, sizzling, hilarious, and with so much soul and love in it. I don’t think I can sing enough praises of it. Like this book is easily one of my favorites of 2021 and, honestly, of all romances I’ve ever read. Yes, it’s that good.
CW: fatphobia, drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders, and exercise.
Britta and Wes have so much chemistry. Their banter was top notch. I was seriously laughing the entire time because it was that good. And then the way they trust and communicate with each other! Actual relationship goals and reading character goals because miscommunication is the bane of my existence in romance novels.
Thank you Williams for writing about a fat woman wanting to be strong and happy and in peace with exercise and not having it be about her size. I love you forever for this. I love working out and feeling the same way, but I’m my size so thank you for letting me see me in a book with this. And the fact that this was brought up so many times too and kept being pointed out that she was happy with herself and it wasn’t about losing weight!!
The characterization off the charts amazing. The plot: phenomenal. The side characters and side plots both spectacular. Words fail me here. I am but a mess of emotions surrounding how stunning Williams’ writing is and how well she can craft a story.
Long story short read this book. Cherish this book. I know I will be applauding it forever and will definitely be rereading it and suggesting everyone read it.
Do yourself a favor and read this. And then come tell me about how amazing it was because I want to gush with you🥰.
If You Liked This One…
I highly recommend checking out Williams’ first novel, How to Fail At Flirting, as it is amazing. I think I liked this book a bit more, but that’s probably because I identified with it more. My review is here! Another option would be Rosie Danan’s The Intimacy Experiment. Once more keeping that line of professionalism is held in question and it is incredibly heartwarming. My review of it is here.
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