The Wedding Date Rating: 3/5
The Wedding Date Synopsis: Alexa Monroe is not the sort of person to hit it off with someone in the elevator and then be their fake date to a wedding. But when Drew asks her, she agrees. What appears to be a one time weekend of free food and booze, turns into something that neither Alexa nor Drew ever anticipated.
I haphazardly bought The Proposal from the local bookstore without realizing that it was the second one in the series. So I put this one on hold at the library and tore into it when it became available. I’ve heard so many good things about this book and the series as a whole, and I was underwhelmed.
The first third of the book is different than the last two-thirds. The first third was wildly entertaining with a good plot, interesting characters with backstories that were beginning to unfold, and I was excited to see how things would go. Unfortunately after the wedding things fizzle out.
I wanted to like this book! How could that many people like a book and it be bad? But after the wedding it was like there was no plot! I literally called my sister to rant discuss this book and I was like “where did the plot go? Is it just them not being grown adults and communicating their expectations/feelings/thoughts? Are they really going to have a relationship where they know nothing about each other and just have sex 90% of the time that they’re together? Really????” The answer, my dear friends, is yes.
Good & Bad
I liked the creation of Alexa and Drew. I thought that they were interesting people with enough flaws to make them human. The writing was fun and enjoyable. The first 30% of the book was amazing! I loved the way it flowed. It was like I wasn’t even reading it! Carlos is amazing and Alexa’s jobs was different and interesting.
I didn’t like that Drew’s story for why he didn’t get involved with relationships was never solved. Alexa’s constant discussion on her weight & body got to be too much after the twentieth time it was brought up. I didn’t like that Drew was the one that had to chase Alexa down when she was the one in the wrong. Like ughhhhh!!! I didn’t like that there was no plot beyond let’s have sex and not talk.
Long Story Short
Do I recommend this book? Honestly, idk. If you’re looking for something that is super fluffy, rather clean (closed door romance) without a lot of thinking needed: go for it! If you’re like me and want a bit more from a book, probably not. Look, not a lot goes on in the novel. I’m still going to read the next two simply because I erroneously bought the next two. Who knows, maybe I’ll like them more?

I borrowed my copy from my local library.
Here is the Amazon Link (I am NOT affiliated with Amazon)
What did you think of The Wedding Date? Am I crazy for continuing the series? Does it get better? Am I just writing a wine-induced bitter review?
All opinions are of my own are not reflective of anyone else. I buy/loan all of the books I review unless specified and I only give my 100% true opinion on them.
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